St Anne’s and you

St Anne’s western tower is a landmark for everyone living in or traveling through Limehouse. If you have ever wandered in our lovely churchyard, or explored the building, you cannot help but have noticed that amidst the beauty and grandeur, there is worrying deterioration. St Anne’s is on Historic England’s register of buildings at risk and Care for St Anne’s is undertaking a period of intense fundraising as we embark on eight years of renovation and modernisation.

There are many ways that you can get involved. Look out for concerts, history nights, quiz nights, bell ringing, fun days and community events. We also organise regular weekly gatherings, often with refreshments. Remember to check our What’s On page from time to time. St Anne’s hosts activities for visitors of all ages, including children, so an easy way to help us is by attending an event, hiring a space, or organising a group to visit. You could even become a volunteer. We have started a program for volunteer hosts: our volunteers mind the church on a Friday and Saturday to welcome visitors.

Every visit to an event and every donation helps. We appreciate your support in our work caring for this magnificent building. 

  • How the local press is covering our restoration project.

    Wharf article page one

    Wharf article page two

    Poplar London Article

  • We have started a training programme for volunteer hosts, who explain St Anne’s fascinating history and complex restoration to groups of visitors. We are excited about continuing to develop our team of volunteers as our community engagement project moves forward. We are always need more volunteers. Please email us if you are interested.

    Email Philip to Volunteer

  • Visiting Hours

    The church is open for visitors Thursday to Saturday (10am-4pm). On Fridays and Saturdays volunteers mind the church to welcome visitors and answer questions about the church.

  • Come and see why we love St Anne’s. There is lots of helpful information on the St Anne’s Limehouse website:

    Looking for a church

  • Our building is often used for filming, by orchestras, for children’s parties and in other ways. Please see the St Anne’s Limehouse website, in the section ‘Hire our building’.

    Hire our building

  • Limehouse Lives is an ongoing project which celebrates the lives of people, past and present, of Limehouse.

    We aim to deliver this project in diverse platforms: talks, exhibitions, oral history and events.

    Thus far, we have featured David Widgery and our WW2 History Evening, including the oral history account of a local resident who sheltered in our crypt during the Blitz.

    And in 2023 we mounted an exhibition around the characters who are buried in our Crypt and Churchyard, curated with the help of researchers at QMUL.

    Watch this space for future talks an exhibitions!

  • The Docklands Ringers welcome visiting ringers to service ringing, practice evenings or as visiting bands. We are a sociable group who usually refresh ourselves in the pub after practices and have a program of outings, training, competitions, weddings and quarter peal attempts. If you’re interested in ringing then get in touch and come along – we have ringers of all abilities and would be happy to arrange your training.

    Docklands Ringers

  • Docklands Sinfonia's e14 orchestra performs regularly, accompanied by top class soloists and performers.

    Docklands Sinfonia

    The East London Late Starters Orchestra rehearses and performs at St Anne’s Limehouse.

    East London Late Starters Orchestra

  • Make a donation online here.

    Make a donation in person at St Anne’s using our new electronic card reader.

    Send a one-off gift by cheque, to Care for St Anne’s, 5 Newell Street, Limehouse, London, E14 7HP.

    Become a regular donor by setting up a standing order.

    Remember Care for St Anne’s in your will.